Isn't she gorgeous!!!!! Look at that full smile! Taken less than an hour ago. Still at Overlook, only because it was getting late and they wanted Jo to rest. Transfer to rehab in morning. I spoke to Joanne on the phone earlier tonight. She said... that's right, she SAID... "Sam... Oliver... Isabel... I love you!" I have 2 of the Buddlings here overnight. I relayed the message. They can't wait to see Mom!!! Joanne sends her love and thanks to everyone!
(Paul here. I wanted to add that her favorite words are "yes", "tank you" and "where". We all laugh so hard when she is trying to ask something and all that keeps coming out is, "where, where, where, where, where?" Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers. You are what is up holding Jo and I up. God can't help but keep His eyes on us since so many people are shouting out to Him on our behalf. I was thinking of some story, or quote from a movie that was something like, "And the headline in the paper read, 'God is dead'." But I am here to tell you that the headline in the paper I am holding reads, "GOD IS REAL!." I have never doubted that and I am so thankful that He has chosen Joanne to prove it once again. I am thankful for the sacrifice of His only Son which allows us to boldly stand before Him and ask for whatever we need. I LOVE YOU ALL!)
(Paul here. I wanted to add that her favorite words are "yes", "tank you" and "where". We all laugh so hard when she is trying to ask something and all that keeps coming out is, "where, where, where, where, where?" Thank you ALL for your thoughts and prayers. You are what is up holding Jo and I up. God can't help but keep His eyes on us since so many people are shouting out to Him on our behalf. I was thinking of some story, or quote from a movie that was something like, "And the headline in the paper read, 'God is dead'." But I am here to tell you that the headline in the paper I am holding reads, "GOD IS REAL!." I have never doubted that and I am so thankful that He has chosen Joanne to prove it once again. I am thankful for the sacrifice of His only Son which allows us to boldly stand before Him and ask for whatever we need. I LOVE YOU ALL!)