Joanne had a good day today. After some much-needed sleep, she woke alert and eager to communicate. Her sister Sue brought in a laptop to see if Joanne could type words. Joanne typed the following:
thank you (Joanne's response to Sue for bringing the laptop)
I love do chocolate
Ice cream I (Though it took about 15 minutes to find the 'm' in cream, these were Joanne's thoughts just after eating an entire cup of chocolate ice cream. Swallowing was only a little difficult for her. She tried so hard to get her right hand to pick up the spoon, but it just wouldn't move.)
chocolate drink
Chocolate drink was
drink was warmth (Paul thinks that this really meant, "the chocolate ice cream will make me feel good".)
Joanne and Paul had a great 'dinner' together tonight with her nurse Vecee as their chaperone.
Please continue to pray OFTEN for the Budd family. Also that Joanne would experience peace as she continues on this journey of recovery. I can only imagine how frustrated she must feel in her attempts to communicate and process information that was once so clear and simple to her. Pray that she stays determined and does not become discouraged. Blessings to each of you for your faithful prayers.