- Complete physical healing of the brain, blood vessels and brain cells to return to perfect balance with no permanent side effects.
- That all brain cells that were affected by the lack of oxygen during the stroke will regain full function.
- Complete return of all gross and fine motor skills on her right side with no residual weakness.
- Complete return of all speech patterns, receptive as well as expressive.
- Healing for the bronchitis she had before she entered the hospital.
- Healing for the asthma she had been suffering prior to this episode.
- Perfect peace that passes all understanding, that will place a guard of protection over her mind and her thoughts.
- That she would have no fear of the future but be full of faith that God’s promises are "yes and amen" in Christ Jesus. That He has a bright future and a hope for her.
- That God’s healing virtue will flow through her body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. That each blood vessel, muscle, organ, joint and ligament, each cell and fiber of her being will be flooded with the healing power of Jesus, the Great Physician!
- That his faith would be strong and unwavering.
- That he would stay physically well during this season and not get run down by caring for Joanne and the children.
- That his mind and thoughts would be fixed on God who will keep him in perfect peace.
- That he would not be fearful of the future but be confident in the promises of God.
- That his place of employment would be understanding, flexible and financially accommodating and generous during this entire season.
- That he would have increased wisdom and discernment concerning all aspects of Joanne’s care.
- That he would not be overwhelmed with the details of her care, but be able to rely on others who are willing to help.
- That they would not be fearful but have a peace that all their needs will be met.
- That they will be full of faith for their mother’s full and complete recovery and be hopeful for the future.
- That they will be able to concentrate on their studies and maintain their grades at school.
- That they will be physically healthy with no colds, flu or infections this entire winter.
- That they will not hide their emotions but be able to share their thoughts, concerns and fears openly with Paul and close friends.