Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday, November 8th #2

Can you handle some more good news??? If you're not sitting down, I suggest you do. Less than 1 hour ago Joanne SPOKE! Joanna Hutzel and I were by her bedside (no longer in ICU by the way)... and in the midst of a conversation regarding Joanna's daughter's search for the right college, Joanne spoke! We were trying to guess what she was thinking, after she had spelled something by pointing to letters on a piece of paper. We knew she was asking about a college in New York, but Joanna did not know what she was referring to. This went on for some time. Joanne had cleared her throat and attempted to mouth the words. Her determination in doing this was amazing to watch. She slowly said, "owwwww". And her eyes opened wide and she cupped her hand over her mouth in disbelief. Then with great excitement she said, "ohhhhhhh"... "ohhhh"..."yes, yes, yes, oh yes". Joanna and I were screaming, and crying, and laughing, and praising God! With a look of great victory and relief Joanne smiled the biggest smile... on BOTH sides of her face by the way! You go girl!!!!! And you go God!!!!

After our celebration, she was so eager to keep speaking. You could tell she so desperately wanted to express everything on her mind. Joanna said to her, "I bet you have a million words in your head and you're trying to pick the right one." Joanne gave a sweet and exhausted nod "yes". I reminded her that the doctor had told us on Saturday after surgery that her breathing tube would be removed on Wednesday... yesterday. It came out less than 12 hours after surgery. I told her the doctor also said that she would be so heavily sedated that we really wouldn't be able to gage anything until Thursday... today. I said, "Joanne, you WALKED and SPOKE today! Don't get discouraged thinking this is taking too long because you are breaking records here!" She tilted her head and smiled as if to say, "Yeah... I suppose."

God is amazing! There are no words to express just how amazing. I believe God was rejoicing with us in the hospital room tonight. His presence was so evident and so real. It was as if He was singing over Joanne with songs of deliverance. Thank you Lord for showing Yourself strong on Joanne's behalf. What an exciting day You gave us.

Today felt like Christmas! I wonder what tomorrow will hold? Stay tuned for more... and keep the prayers coming. God's listening.

Oh... one more thing... I heard Joanne typed "Mr. Budd is foxy" earlier today on the laptop. :)