Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, November 19th

A note from Paul:

It's been a busy weekend. Jo had back to back therapy Saturday morning, which pooped her out for the rest of the day. Sunday was filled with visitors - which I think was great. We had the kids in for a visit and again they didn't want to leave. She was tired by the end of the night, but I think it was like a day long therapy session. The Tanis family and Sundquists blessed us with an evening of songs and hymns which was the perfect end to the day. Joanne can get her point across, but has a hard time choosing the right words. We were naming fruit from a fruit basket, I held up an orange and she said, "It's an orange." I asked her what color it was and she said, "green?" It's crazy. She'll often get stuck on the same word and can't say anything else. She keeps dismissing it with a laugh and smile though. Everyone who visits her tells her how great she looks, which she does. But I don't recommend the stroke diet, it has a few unwanted side effects. Her right side continues to get stronger. She is starting to get a little grip in her right hand and a little wrist control. Her right arm still needs some work, but it's improving. I think the area which needs the most improvement will be her speech. She will be checking out of Hotel Rehab on Wednesday around 10am and goes straight to speech and OT. We need to speak to the docs to determine how much she will have as an out patient. Please keep the cards and prayers coming. They both have an amazing healing property. I know I need the prayers, because I am really tired and the only way I am getting through this is by being upheld by your prayers. I spend the day going through all the therapy with her and she is often more focused than I am. It seems so small for me to say "thank you" to everyone for all you are doing for us, but just like Jo, I can't find the right words. So for now I'll just say her favorite words: "I believe" and "unbelievable".